Hinton Storm Shelter Information

Register your Storm Shelter Here.

When severe weather is near…

Spring is coming and that means severe weather for Oklahoma. If you are new to Hinton here is some information that hopefully will help when severe weather is near.

What about Covid-19?

During this time with COVID-19 being a concern, as of now the dome will be open when tornadic weather is near. Those that enter will be spread throughout the main area of the dome to create a safe distance between everyone. Understand by entering the dome you could be exposed to the virus. If you accept that risk and enter by your choice, those opening the dome will take down your name, address, and phone number. This will allow us to notify you if someone is found to have a communicable disease that was also in the shelter.

Where can the public go when severe weather is near Hinton?

The answer is to the dome at the Hinton School. The dome is opened by the fire department, police department, emergency manager, or school officials before severe weather is near thus people are able to have time to take cover. When you come to the dome make sure to come to the door that is on the southwest corner, nearest to the multi-purpose building there will be if possible a fire truck parked by this entrance. Please bring a flashlight in case of a power outage. The firefighters that are at the dome will also have a radio with them and they will keep everyone advised of the current weather situation.

How does the town notify the public that tornadic weather is approaching?

The town has three sirens located throughout town that if at all possible will be activated when tornadic weather approaches. These sirens are designed to be warning devices for those who are outdoors. With the wind that comes with severe weather and if you are inside your home there is a good chance you may not here these sirens. The fire department currently uses three different series of rings when activating the sirens. One cadence is a solid siren for three minutes this means that the severe weather has rotation and could possibly produce a tornado. AT THIS POINT YOU NEED TO TAKE SHELTER IMMEDIATELY!! The second cadence is two short sirens that are approximately ten seconds per ring. This is an all clear notification that means the threat of severe weather is over and you may leave your shelter. The third cadence is three short sirens that are approximately ten seconds per ring. This is used when to test the sirens which the fire department does every first Tuesday evening during our monthly meeting pending weather conditions.

In the next few months ahead be weather aware by watching TV, listening to the radio, or using apps on your phone to keep up with the current weather conditions. Tornadic weather can develop very rapidly, sometimes even without much warning at all. To help save time when time may be limited be prepared and have a bag packed with items such as batteries, flashlights, radio, bottled water, snacks, and something to keep kids occupied while in a shelter. Although the fire department does try to activate the sirens to notify the public of a tornadic threat as quickly as possible PLEASE DO NOT rely on only this before deciding to seek shelter. Also if you haven’t registered your storm shelter with the Town of Hinton or the Caddo County 911 Center please do so. The Town of Hinton has a form that can be filled out at Town hall Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5 pm. The form for the Caddo County 911 Center can be filled out online at www.caddocounty911.org or picked up a Town Hall also. Hopefully this will help with preparing for severe weather this year.


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